Week 1 A summary of weblog
When I read weblogs for use with ESL classes written by Aaron Patric Campbell. I learned about weblog.
There are three types of weblog include the tutor weblog, learner weblog and class weblog .
📌The first, the tutor weblog is a type of weblog that run by tutor. There are very useful for the tutor such as promote exploration of English websites , provide class or syllabus information, resources of links for self -study, gives daily reading practice to the learners etc.
📌The second ,the learner weblog are either run by individual learner themselves or by small collaborative group of learners. It can be used as journals for writing practice, get experience with the practice and develop sense of ownership, and get experience with the practical .
📌The finally, the class weblog is a type of weblog that is the result of the collaborative effort of an entire class. It can be used as a virtual space for and international classroom language exchange, reading and writing classes.
So, there are several benefit choices at a present, all of which have different features. You can be up and blogging in a short amount of time because it free and easy to use.